Juice Detox

Juice Detox

Today was day one of our juice detox. We decided to do a detox before we start eating healthy by following the Paleo diet.

2 Apples
1 Cucumber
1 cup Blueberries
2 cups of Grapes
2 Kale Leaves
1″ Ginger

1 Granny Smith Apple
1 Cucumber
4 Stalks of Celery
4-6 Kale Leaves
1/4 Lemon Peeled
1″ Ginger

1 Beet Sliced
1 Cucumber
1 Carrot
1 Granny Smith Apple
4 Kale Leaves
1/4 Lemon Peeled
1/4 Lime Peeled

Last night we prepared all of today’s meals, and it took way longer than expected. Between prepping the vegatables, cleaning the juice and organizng it all, it took us almost 3 hours. We’re hoping to get a system down and keep it under an hour for prep

We tasted them last night and they aren’t bad at all. Breakfast looks gross but it’s actually really sweet.


About cugettingfit

Two college friends taking health and fitness seriously and holding each other accountable
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1 Response to Juice Detox

  1. Donnie says:

    Congrats on the juicing! I wish you the best of luck in your journey. The more you juice the more efficient you will become at it. I usually make my juices and then drink them so not to lose any nutritional value. When I had to go to work, I would prep my breakfast meal and two lunch meals the night before by putting them in gallon size freezer bags. That way all I had to do in the morning was run them through the juicer. Also make sure you place a plastic bag in the pulp catch of your juicer. This will save you a lot of time cleaning up. Remember, it’s only your first day and your still getting used to the process. It usually takes me about 10 minutes to walk to the kitchen, prep, make a juice, drink it, clean up, and put the juicer back together.

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